A wealth of unsold food!

A wealth of unsold food! “Two hours later, there is no more space in the backpacks and Thibault’s cart was overflowing with food: greens, packs of multicolored cherry tomatoes, peaches, pears, quinoa, bread, yogurts…” […] Chef Guillaume Cantin communicates the menu: a fruit based spiced punch (the apples, pears and nectarines collected processed […]
Unexpected Success At The Zero Waste Festival

Unexpected success at the Zero Waste Festival The first edition of the Montreal Zero Waste Festival has met with an unexpected success. Held at Marché Bonsecourss, an estimated 6700 participants took part in the event, more than double what was expected. […] Marie Gaucher, coordinator at La Transformerie explains how their project fits […]
Giving meaning to the act of cooking

Giving meaning to the act of cooking “Data from Value Chain Management Center in Ontario dating from 2014 tell us that in the Canadian food system, 40% of the food is thrown away. It is while reflecting on this situation that the idea of La Transformerie came to us. As a chef, I was convinced […]
And if we transformed unsold food into preserves?

And If We transformed unsold food into preserves? “With an entrepreneur friend of mine, Thibault Renouf, we asked ourselves what we could do, at our own level, with the skills we have, that would have a positive impact. […] First of all, he challenged me to make a meal out of discarded food […]
The Public’s Favourite

The Public’s Favourite A contest where everyone is the winner, is it possible? Well, yes! Everyone involved benefits from the Mouvement contest: partners, finalists and the public. […] THE PUBLIC’S FAVOURITE The public (this also means you) is invited to vote online for her or his favourite project. This year, more than 7000 people have […]
Finalist for The Lauriers Awards of Quebec Gastronomy

Finalist for The Lauriers Awards of Quebec Gastronomy La Transformerie is a finalist in the Company or initiative of the year category of the Lauriers Awards of Gastronomy, 2018 edition. […] for La Transformerie, a newly found company whose aim is to reduce food waste in the most delicious way possible. “In my view, the […]
Change in every mouthful

Change in every mouthful The purpose of the Le goût du changement event is to improve the local food system, to reinforce the impact of innovative social projects related to food and ensure their sustainability. Over the past three years, the event has invited innovative businesses and projects in the food sector to get together […]
An organization that gives an added value to unsold food

An organization that gives an added value to unsold food La Transformerie, a NPO, is laying the groundwork for the launch, before the end of May, of its first eco-friendly products, made with unsold food collected from grocery stores. Its mission: help merchants to better valorize their products with the aim of eliminating food waste, […]
The art of eliminating food waste

The art of eliminating food waste A story from the team of the television show, L’Épicerie. La Transformerie or the art of eliminating food waste. Tired of seeing so much food gone to waste, chef Guillaume Cantin, together with a few passionate friends, has created La Transformerie. The team collects unsold foodstuff, transforms some of […]
Winner of a FEED Montreal bursary

Winner of a FEED Montreal bursary La Transformerie’s mission is to reduce food waste in Montreal. It offers solutions easy to adopt that can help solve the problem of food waste in grocery stores. Since April, the organization collects unsold food in grocery stores in the Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie borough. Currently, on a weekly basis, it […]